Dtravel is Bringing Vacation Rental Data to Ethereum via Subgraphs, Supported by an Upgrade Grant from The Graph

Dtravel has decentralized its data layer with The Graph Protocol. Dtravel is the first web3 travel company to leverage subgraphs on The Graph Network, bringing booking events on-chain.

Dtravel is Bringing Vacation Rental Data to Ethereum via Subgraphs, Supported by an Upgrade Grant from The Graph

Dtravel is solving the most pressing problems created by the legacy vacation rental industry. The solution: A decentralized, open standard protocol developed in partnership with industry leaders to eliminate the fragmented infrastructure, data-walled gardens, and cost-burdensome connectivity structures. Decentralization is a core tenant to a protocol that will bring progressive change to the vacation rental industry. In preparation of the protocol’s official announcement, Dtravel is proving that booking data can be open and accessible via subgraphs indexing Ethereum data.

The foundational step of publishing a subgraph to The Graph Network, a leading indexing protocol for organizing and improving accessibility of blockchain data, will allow protocol participants to openly query and access booking data on-chain. This initial work makes Dtravel the first travel company to publish a subgraph on The Graph. In recognition of Dtravel’s pursuit toward permissionless travel and innovation in the vacation rental industry, an upgrade grant has been awarded to continue development.

Powering Dtravel’s Booking Data Subgraph

The grant will go toward the development and maintenance of a booking data subgraph—an essential component of our decentralized ecosystem. This subgraph serves as a reliable and transparent data source for tracking and querying Dtravel Direct booking events on both the BNB Chain and the Ethereum mainnet and is the first of many subgraphs that will enable a decentralized protocol for the vacation rental industry to flourish.

Understanding The Graph's Role in Web3

The Graph is an open-source protocol that functions like a search engine for blockchain data. Similar to how Google organizes and indexes web data, The Graph collects, organizes, and stores data from various blockchains, making it easily searchable for users.

At the heart of The Graph's functionality are subgraphs—open-source APIs that index and organize data within a global blockchain graph. These subgraphs, accessible using GraphQL, enable developers to efficiently query data from blockchain networks.

Indexing the Future of Vacation Rental Data Management

The subgraph marks yet another step towards building an open standard booking protocol for the vacation rental industry aimed at creating a single source of truth for accommodation data on the blockchain.

The protocol will allow accommodation providers to share their availability and booking information on the blockchain, eliminating fragmentation and inefficiencies associated with siloed data. By leveraging decentralized technology, it will streamline data exchange, creating new commercial opportunities and lowering the cost and friction of connectivity for industry participants.
Dtravel is the first web3 travel company to receive a grant from The Graph Foundation. This collaboration with The Graph not only validates our commitment to innovation in the travel space, but also solidifies our position as pioneers in the adoption of decentralized solutions.

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