How HF Properties is Building a $20k / Month in Profit Short-term Rental Business Through Direct Connections.

Meet Jeremy Howell, a successful property manager from Oklahoma who has skyrocketed his business to $20,000 USD per month in short-term rental profit by prioritizing meaningful relationships.

How HF Properties is Building a $20k / Month in Profit Short-term Rental Business Through Direct Connections.


Meet Jeremy Howell, a successful property manager from Oklahoma who has skyrocketed his business to $20,000 USD per month in short-term rental profits by prioritizing meaningful relationships. In just four years, Jeremy has gone from owning a single vacation home to starting HF Properties, a business now overseeing 16 short-term rental properties, thanks to his dedication to building personal connections. Learn how Jeremy's journey from accidental short term rental owner to industry leader proves that fostering genuine relationships can drive extraordinary business growth.

Getting Started in Short-Term Rentals

Jeremy's foray into the short-term rental industry was not intentional. It all started with a vacation home in Florida that he planned to use part-time with his family. But as the hassle of frequent travel became apparent, Jeremy decided to explore the idea of renting it out on Airbnb. This simple decision would change the trajectory of his life.

Jeremy realized there was more to the short term rental business than he initially thought. To navigate pricing and operations effectively, he sought guidance from an experienced operator, Chris Choi. Chris not only shared pricing strategies but also introduced Jeremy to the concept of short-term rental arbitrage—an opportunity that would become a game-changer.

Jeremy and Angela Howell of HF Properties

Building Connections and Growing Profit

Armed with newfound knowledge and mentorship, Jeremy set his sights on Oklahoma and tapped into the relationships he had built over the years through his successful home Audio Visual company.

After identifying a property on HotPads that met his criteria, Jeremy reached out and set up a meeting. Referencing his sales training, Jeremy looked up the owner on social media and realized he had three mutual friends.

Using the mutual connections as a warm introduction, Jeremy established rapport and not long after pitched the concept of signing a lease to sublet on Airbnb. With a focus on building the relationship first, Jeremy secured his first arbitrage client. As Jeremy delivered steady rental income, the client happily referred him to more owners, igniting a chain reaction of growth.

Today, Jeremy manages 16 short-term rentals in Oklahoma, most of which belong to families who trust him to handle their properties profitably. His ability to foster face-to-face relationships played a pivotal role in expanding his business exponentially. Jeremy firmly believes that prioritizing genuine connections with landlords and clients is the key to building a thriving company.

HF Properties Direct Booking Site Powered by Dtravel Direct
HF Properties powered by Dtravel Direct

The Power of Relationships

In a digital age, where transactions often happen remotely, Jeremy emphasizes the value of personal interactions. He makes a point to meet people in person, share meals, and forge real connections. These efforts have been instrumental in securing deals with landlords and growing his short-term rental arbitrage business.

Leveraging Technology like Dtravel Direct

While relationships are the foundation of Jeremy's success, he also understands the importance of leveraging technology. Jeremy uses Dtravel Direct to establish a professional online presence, offering guests a seamless booking experience. With features like location maps and cryptocurrency payment options, Jeremy can provide next-level service and exceed his guests' expectations.

Check out his direct booking website HF Properties, powered by Dtravel.

HF Properties Direct Booking Site Powered by Dtravel Direct
HF Properties powered by Dtravel Direct


Jeremy Howell's inspiring journey from a vacation homeowner to a highly successful short-term rental property manager showcases the power of building relationships. By prioritizing genuine connections and combining them with innovative technology like Dtravel Direct, Jeremy has transformed his business and is now reaping $20,000 USD in monthly profits. His story serves as a testament to the impact of nurturing relationships in the digital age, proving that connecting with people on a personal level can fuel remarkable business growth in any industry.

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