March 2024 Update

2024 has already been a transformative year for Dtravel and the industry is taking note. Read about Sensei AI, Dtravel Direct, Nite Protocol and Dtravel Tokenomics updates.

March 2024 Update

2024 has already been a transformative year for Dtravel and the industry is taking note, evidenced by significant engagements at ITB Berlin, extensive media coverage, and growing mentions on X. We're particularly excited about the advancements made with our traveler applications including Sensei AI, which is gearing up for its Beta release after a successful internal testing phase, promising to redefine how travelers discover and book vacation rentals directly with owners and operators globally. The release of the Nite Protocol Litepaper, Dtravel Governance and TRVL tokenomics represents a major step forward in our vision to empower ownership in travel.

The next few months are set to elevate Dtravel's impact in the market, as we roll out much anticipated search products, TRVL staking and Growth Incentive Programs.

Recent Updates in February & March

  • Sensei AI
  • Dtravel Direct Team Accounts
  • Dtravel Direct Booking Widget
  • New Onboarding Flow
  • Nite Protocol
  • Governance
  • Tokenomics
  • ITB Berlin
  • Dubai Crypto Conferences
  • Media

Product Updates: Sensei AI

Sensei AI

The development of Sensei AI, Dtravel's advanced travel planning technology, has reached an exciting phase as the team focuses on rigorous testing and debugging. Over the past month, significant efforts have been made to enhance the large language model (LLM) powering Sensei AI, moving beyond the initial proof-of-concept to refine user interactions and functionality in preparation for the upcoming Beta release. This phase is crucial for ensuring the platform's reliability and usability, addressing any potential issues to optimize the overall user experience.

Looking ahead, Dtravel is nearing the completion of its internal testing phase with key stakeholders, which will pave the way for the next major milestone—a Beta release. Scheduled for the next 2-3 weeks, this release will expand user access to selected community members in a controlled environment. This phase is not only a test of the technology but also an opportunity to gather valuable feedback that will influence further improvements. The Beta release marks a significant step forward in bringing Sensei AI to the public, promising to revolutionize how travelers search for and book vacation rentals directly with owners and operators worldwide, tailored to their personal preferences.

Product Updates: Dtravel Direct

Dtravel Direct Team Accounts

Over the last couple of weeks we launched Dtravel Direct Team accounts, enabling multiple users for a single Dtravel Direct account.

Vacation rental operators can now add users to their Dtravel Direct account, enabling property managers with teams to manage listings, customization, integrations and more. As a result of the upgrade, vacation rental operators who originally signed-up for Dtravel Direct are Admins by default. Admins have the ability to add, edit or remove Editors (team members), to their own Dtravel Direct account, making it easier to delegate tasks.

Learn more about Dtravel Direct Team Accounts.

Dtravel Direct Booking Widget

We’re excited to announce that the Dtravel Direct Booking Widget has officially been added to the first non-Dtravel powered vacation rental site.

This is a really exciting development as it proves that operators with an existing vacation rental site can now transition from “Request to Book” to accepting direct payments using Dtravel. In addition to broadening our reach, the Booking Widget serves as an initial proof-of-concept for a universal Dtravel Crypto payment processor.

Dtravel is an industry leader when it comes to enabling vacation rental crypto payments. Creating a crypto payment processor, designed to plug-in to any Wordpress, Squarespace or PMS-built direct booking site is the next logical step forward.

Have an existing direct booking site? Learn how to install the widget. If you have any questions, you can contact support.

Dtravel Direct Booking Widget

New Onboarding Flow

The latest update to Dtravel Direct offers operators three core options to enhance their booking capabilities: (1) creating a dedicated direct booking website, (2) integrating a booking widget into their existing website, or (3) gaining distribution through direct booking channels such as Google Vacation Rentals. In previous versions, operators seeking solely distribution were automatically provided with a landing page. However, this release introduces a new level of customization, allowing operators to activate or deactivate their landing page as needed. This enhanced flexibility empowers operators to tailor Dtravel Direct's features to best suit their business needs, ensuring they can utilize the platform in the most effective way possible.

New Dtravel Direct Onboarding Flow

Dtravel Ecosystem

Nite Protocol Litepaper

Dtravel is excited to announce the release of the Nite Protocol Litepaper, a significant milestone in the evolution of the vacation rental industry. The document details a groundbreaking protocol designed to reduce inefficiencies caused by a complex web of intermediaries and centralized data silos that have long hindered innovation within the sector. The Nite Protocol offers a unified source of truth that facilitates direct connectivity, increases efficiency, and opens new opportunities for all industry stakeholders through a decentralized approach. By leveraging TRVL, a blockchain-based utility token, the protocol promotes collective ownership and shared governance, empowering participants to actively contribute to its development and success. This release marks a pivotal moment for the vacation rental market, promising to enhance the experiences of operators and travelers alike by reducing costs and fostering a more open and innovative environment.

Read the full Nite Protocol litepaper here.

TRVL Tokenomics

Dtravel recently unveiled its updated tokenomics litepaper, receiving robust support from the community. The revised TRVL tokenomics are grounded in mathematically sound calculations that ensure sustainability through revenue-driven mechanisms for buybacks, treasury funding, and rewards distribution.

The utility of the TRVL token rests on three foundational pillars:

Staking - This enhances the utility of Dtravel applications and generates rewards for TRVL holders through ecosystem revenue.

Currency for Travel - Using TRVL for payments activates discounts within the Dtravel ecosystem.

Governance - TRVL is utilized for creating and voting on Dtrips and for determining protocol and tokenomic parameters.

These pillars foster strong demand for TRVL, while the token model is strategically designed to reduce the circulating supply of TRVL. The model encourages fee-paying user growth by offering discounted fees, rewards, and voting rights on protocol decisions and tokenomic adjustments.

Furthermore, the buyback strategy is designed to decrease the circulating supply of TRVL by removing tokens from the market. The process of recyclable burning complicates the re-entry of TRVL into circulation by locking it away, while staking vaults incentivize users to maintain their holdings outside the circulating supply.

The first phase of implementing these tokenomics is set for April with the initiation of a community growth pilot program. Additional details will be forthcoming as this phase approaches.

Read the full tokenomics litepaper here.

Dtravel Governance

Dtravel recently presented an overview of the governance structure and contributing teams for the Dtravel DAO. Initial governance decisions will be conducted via Snapshot, where a proposal will be introduced that outlines a recommended formal proposal process along with guidelines on how the Dtravel DAO should be governed.

The complete governance overview is available for reading here.

Growth and Marketing

Meta Ads

Dtravel has strategically launched a Meta Ads campaign aimed at vacation rental operators in key cities that are popular with crypto travelers and digital nomads. This targeted advertising initiative is designed to introduce Dtravel to vacation rental operators as a complete direct booking solution and progressive alternative to centralized booking platforms. The goal of these targeted campaigns is to quickly add activated listings to the Dtravel network and to enhance the overall user experience of upcoming search products by offering more choices and fostering greater engagement with Dtravel’s community of crypto travelers.

Dubai Crypto Conferences Booking Site

Before launching our comprehensive metasearch platform, we initiated a pilot project by developing a direct booking site specifically tailored for crypto conferences in Dubai. This site is actively promoted within various communities and through our partners. If you're planning a trip to Dubai or know someone who is, be sure to explore the array of Dtravel-powered listings available. Many of these accommodations offer the convenience of booking with cryptocurrency, enhancing the travel experience for crypto enthusiasts.

View now: Dubai Crypto Conference Stays

Metaverse Tourism

Dtravel partnered with the Metaverse Tourism Association to help travel businesses ease the adoption of web3 and blockchain technology.

Learn more about Metaverse Tourism.

Book Direct Show Awards

Dtravel was nominated for the 2024 Book Direct Show’s Best Software Solution Award, which recognizes companies who support short-term rental operators in generating more direct bookings through innovative software solutions.

The nomination is strong validation of the Dtravel brand and the impact we've been having on the vacation rental industry.

X Mentions

Dtravel and its native token TRVL are experiencing a remarkable surge in mentions and recognition across various platforms, highlighting the growing excitement within the community and industry about what we are building. This enthusiasm is particularly evident in discussions related to #DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks), #AI (Artificial Intelligence), and #RWA (Real World Assets) crypto projects. Our innovative approaches to integrating decentralized networks and AI in real-world applications are beginning to capture the attention of both crypto enthusiasts and the broader travel industry. As we continue to pioneer these areas, the buzz around Dtravel's potential to transform traditional models through blockchain technology and AI solutions is reaching new heights, signaling strong community support and anticipation for our upcoming developments.


Short-term Rentalz Podcast

For their landmark 50th episode, the ShortTermRentalz podcast caught up with Cynthia Huang, co-founder and CEO of peer-to-peer vacation rental ecosystem Dtravel, to speak about how we’re disrupting the short-term rental industry, Cynthia’s reaction to Airbnb raising guest service fees for cross-currency bookings, and more.

Listen to the full Short-term Rentalz 50th episode.


Cynthia joins the NETCETERA podcast to discuss how Dtravel is onboarding short-term rental operators and travelers  into the world of consumer crypto.

Listen to the full NETCETERA episode.


We joined the BukTrips community on their weekly X Spaces alongside Bit Hotel and Beyond Club.

Listen to the full BukTRIPS X Space.

Edge & Node

We joined Edge & Node alongside Live Peer and the Graph Protocol to discuss real world web3 use cases built on the Graph.

Listen to the full Edge & Node X Space.

Web3 Research Japan

A Japanese web3 research publication wrote an overview of Dtravel and TRVL, diving into what Dtravel is, the tokenomics, potential and the problem Dtravel is solving using web3.

Cynthia was invited to give a keynote and speak on a panel at Travel Trends AI 2024, a conference bringing together experts to share insights, collaborate, and educate on all things travel and AI.

Watch the keynote and panel.

ITB Berlin

Cynthia was invited to give a keynote and speak on a panel at ITB Berlin, the world’s largest travel conference. She spoke about how combining the power of AI and web3 would finally deliver on the promise of personalization in travel. She was also featured in the conference coverage and promotional material with her interview at ITB.

Watch Cynthia’s keynote.

Watch Cynthia’s interview.

Personalization Made Possible by AI and Blockchain - TOM

TOM Publication (part of ’Eventiz Media Group -, Echo Tourist, Travel Pros) covered Cynthia’s talk at ITB Berlin on how combining the power of AI and web3 would finally deliver on the promise of personalization in travel.

What’s Next

  • Nite Protocol Development
  • Traveler app v1
  • TRVL Growth Incentives Program
  • Dtravel Sensei Beta release
  • 2-Way Airbnb Sync

Direct Booking Sites Primed for Distribution

We're making it easy for vacation rental operators to start and grow their direct booking business. To do this, we're not only focused on improving the features that come with Dtravel Direct, but also how we can help property managers drive more bookings.

Create a premium direct booking site with Dtravel Direct in minutes and get ready for our distribution network.

Create a Site

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