Why Hospitality Operators are Choosing Dtravel for Direct Bookings

Creating a premium booking site is a significant investment for most short-term rental owners and managers.

Why Hospitality Operators are Choosing Dtravel for Direct Bookings

There’s a new direct booking solution making noise in the short-term rental industry. Similar to how Shopify disrupted expensive, custom-built e-commerce sites, Dtravel is becoming the go-to direct booking website builder for property managers who prefer an elegant design and a powerful booking engine over the costly and management intensive WordPress sites available today.

With Dtravel, hospitality operators can create a modern and aesthetically designed direct booking website in minutes without knowing code or having to pay any upfront fees. Used and built by professional short-term rental operators, Dtravel is the perfect solution for operators who want to upgrade their existing site or slowly reduce their dependence on traditional online travel agencies (OTAs).

Dtravel offers short-term rental operators:

  • A modern direct booking site with fast and easy setup.
  • Contemporary design ideal for personalizing and expressing your brand.
  • An elegant, mobile-first user experience to increase your conversion rate.
  • A pay-as-you-earn-model, offset by real-world rewards with each booking.
  • Professional features designed to scale as you reduce your dependency on OTAs.
  • Ability to add additional revenue streams and upsell at checkout.
  • Diverse payment options catering to high-value and frequent travelers.

So, who exactly is using Dtravel to manage their direct bookings? Many of Dtravel’s users are professional property managers who have built their businesses on the back of third-party booking platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com. Seeing the writing on the wall, these hospitality operators have either already moved away from OTAs completely or view Dtravel as an opportunity to test the direct booking waters.

For hospitality operators experienced in direct bookings, the decision to upgrade their website was made easy by Dtravel’s contemporary design, rich feature set, flexible guest payment options and ability to earn meaningful rewards with each booking.

“Having the ability to earn more and pass on savings to my guests through Dtravel, without having to spend time and resources setting up my own booking site, immediately resonated with me.” -Amir Sadjady
“Earning TRVL rewards is a big motivating factor for us to drive direct bookings. It gives us incentive and some ‘skin in the game’ for future use and access to governance within a growing economy that I feel is for sure gonna shoot to the moon.” -Parker Bell Properties

Short-term rental operators who were used to relying on third-party booking platforms to drive demand realized they could diversify their revenue stream without losing booked nights. Using Dtravel, this segment of operators found they could quickly create a direct booking site for processing repeat bookings or extended stays. With zero investment, these operators grew their earning potential overnight simply by sending their website link to guests who wanted to extend their trip or rebook.

“The way I did this was I scheduled an automated message sent for every reservation asking my guests if they would like to extend their trip. This resulted in a lot of traffic being driven to my Dtravel direct booking website. There are so many other ways to drive traffic to your Dtravel site, you really just have to get creative and find a solution.” -Seven Wilson
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How Property Managers Are Increasing Their Earning Potential with Dtravel

There are five different ways you can increase your earnings with Dtravel as your direct booking infrastructure.

1. Primary Booking Channel - 100% Direct Bookings

Future-proof your business by taking complete ownership and control over your booking terms, policies and guest relationships. Adopting a direct booking business model means you are in full control over your operations, brand, marketing and earnings. With Dtravel you can:

  • Build a recognizable brand.
  • Increase discoverability across social and web.
  • Own your customer relationships with the ability to remarket.
  • Earn more profit by reducing overhead, third-party commission and fees.
  • Offer payment options guests want including credit card and crypto.
  • Add new revenue streams with built-in addon features.
  • Earn real-world rewards with each booking.

2. Earn More From Repeat Bookings

All property managers should have a direct booking site, even if it's just to process repeat bookings. Why should guests you’ve already hosted pay more through an OTA instead of paying you directly when they want to rebook or extend their trip? Dtravel makes this easy, with zero monthly fees, you only pay-as-you earn. Supplement your short-term rental business with a risk-free direct booking site:

  • Create a direct booking website and use it when you want.
  • No monthly fees or upfront costs.
  • Number one way to increase guest LTV is repeat bookings.
  • Use your Dtravel built site anytime guests want to rebook or extend their trip.
  • Earn real-world rewards with each booking.

3. Ability to Upsell at Checkout

With Dtravel, short-term rental operators add additional revenue streams to their direct booking website. Have bikes you could rent out or want to charge extra for an early check-in? Configure the add-ons you’d like to appear in your dashboard settings and increase your earnings per booking.

  • Add another revenue stream.
  • Configure and completely customize additional charges.
  • Turn services or resources into cash-generating assets.
  • Earn more revenue than any other direct booking or OTA offering.

4. Earn Real-value Rewards

Dtravel is the only direct booking website builder that enables you to earn real-value rewards with each booking. Join fellow hospitality operators in earning the TRVL token every time you process a transaction and become an owner in the Dtravel ecosystem.

  • Earn TRVL cryptocurrency rewards with each booking.
  • Hold and become an owner in the Dtravel ecosystem.
  • Submit improvement proposals and vote on new features.
  • Exchange TRVL for traditional currencies or use as payment in other web3 applications like Travala.com.
  • Offset Dtravel community treasury fees.

5. Exposure to a High-value Traveler Segment

One of the key differentiators between a direct booking website built with Dtravel and any other offering today is that Dtravel enables short-term rental operators to turn-on diverse payment options including credit card payments and crypto. Not only does the latter open up the doors to a growing segment of digital nomads and crypto travelers, it also provides hospitality operators with the ability to tap into new short-term rental demand channels like Travala.com. With Dtravel, operators can gain access to:

  • Traditional payment options (credit card) and crypto.
  • A growing segment of digital nomads and crypto travelers.
  • High-income earning guests.
  • Guests who prefer long-term stays.
  • Guests who travel in the off season.

Zero-Risk Option For Direct Bookings

Whether you’re beginning your direct booking journey or would like to upgrade your website to one built using Dtravel, the risks to your business are virtually zero.

Dtravel was designed so that hospitality operators could quickly build a modern website and process direct bookings without any disruption to their day-to-day business. Since Dtravel is integrated with some of the most popular property management system (PMS) providers, hospitality operators simply add Dtravel as a channel and follow the steps to launch their direct booking website. Partnering with PMSs was a conscious decision so that operators wouldn’t have to worry about calendar synching or double bookings across their various booking channels.

Since Dtravel doesn’t require any upfront fees, hospitality operators can launch their direct booking website without entering their credit card details or dealing with monthly bills, especially if they’re just starting out with direct bookings.

  • Designed for property managers who want an easy and modern customizable plug-and-play direct booking site that is automatically created in minutes.
  • Pay-as-you-earn model, with fees offset by real-value rewards.
  • Risk free/low investment in terms of fees.
  • Integration available through a variety of leading PMSs.

Cost of Using Dtravel

Dtravel operates a pay-per-booking model, charging a 3% fee on each transaction. For early adopters, this 3% fee is offset by earning 3% in TRVL rewards. Hospitality operators can choose to become an owner in the Dtravel ecosystem by holding their TRVL rewards. These rewards will give hospitality operators many future benefits, including access to special features and the ability to submit and vote on improvement proposals.

For operators who prefer to use their rewards, TRVL rewards can be converted to traditional fiat currencies using various web3 applications or used to book flights through web3-based OTAs like Travala.com.

Start Using Dtravel Today

Unlocking the benefits of Dtravel and launching your direct booking site is easy. Simply add Dtravel as a channel using one of Dtravel’s PMS integrations, create your site, and join fellow operators in enjoying lower fees and real-value rewards with each booking.

Option 1: Add Dtravel to your PMS and launch your direct booking site

If you’re currently signed up with a different PMS, don't worry—we’re constantly working on expanding our PMS partners.

Option 2: Ask your existing PMS to build toward the Dtravel OpenAPI

Don’t want to switch your PMS? We’ve made it easy for any property management system to add Dtravel as a channel. Simply email your account manager and suggest that they build toward the Dtravel OpenAPI.

Schedule a Call to Learn More

We’re offering complimentary onboarding and marketing consultation for all short-term rental operators willing to build the future of travel. If you’re still not convinced or have questions, we’d love to hear from you.

Connect with a team member to learn more: Book a Call

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