Add Account Information

There’s some basic account information you’ll need to add to your account. You can find this in the “Settings” page which is located in the “Account” button on the “home” page or dashboard.
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2. You’ll want to add your name and email address to the “Account Information” section. If you’ve already signed up for Dtravel using an email, this is the same email address that will show here. However, if you signed up using Metamask, this field will be blank and you can add your email here. This is where we send booking confirmations so you can keep track of your bookings so we highly recommend adding an email address if you sign up using Metamask to ensure that you have all the relevant information you need for each booking.
Note - this email won’t be visible to guests on your listing page in case you wanted to have a different email address for guests to contact you versus what you use for booking confirmations. You have the option to add a different email address for listing contact info.
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