Add Listing Display Information

1. To complete your display information for your direct booking site, navigate to the “Settings” page which is located in the “Account” button on the “home” page or dashboard. You’ll find your display information under the section labelled “Display Information”.
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2. Fill in your display name, which will be used in various places across your direct booking website.
3. Upload a photo of yourself or your business’ logo under “Logo/Brand Image”. Even if you don’t have a business logo, adding a photo of yourself builds trust with guests, leading to higher conversion rates on bookings.
4. Fill in your bio and highlight what makes you or your brand unique and why guests should book with you. Just like with a photo or logo, adding this will help to build more trust with guests.
5. The “default contact email” is the email that will be displayed wherever your contact info is shown.
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6. Finally, your default contact phone number will also be displayed alongside your contact email. When adding a phone number, you’ll be prompted to verify your phone number before it can be added.
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