Dtravel Booking Widget

Please refer to the instructions below to install the Dtravel booking widget on your website. If there are any issues, please let us know at [email protected].

(1) Add script to body

  • Example: <script id="dtravel_jssdk" src="https://sdk.dtravel.com/static/dtravel.sdk.js?userId=8171226c-0911-439b-a5dd-bfbb6a887d89&propertyId=4664"></script>

(2) Open popup

  • Add Book property button anywhere on your website, add onClick event into this button, and call window.openDtravelWidget() function to open the popup.
  • Open popup: call function window.openDtravelWidget() (function is defined in script and added to Window object of browser).
    • Example: function openWidget() { window.openDtravelWidget() }
  • Close popup: call function window.closeDtravelWidget()
    • Example: function closeWidget() { window.closeDtravelWidget() }

(3) Notes