How to Add or Switch to the BNB Network on Dtravel (for Metamask Users)

This guide provides instructions on how to switch between two blockchain networks — Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain (BNB Chain) — to view and manage guest payments.
Why Do I Have to Switch Networks?
The TRVL token exists on both the Ethereum network and BNB Chain network. This provides token holders with access to a wider range of applications and services across both networks.
Dtravel’s smart contracts — used to facilitate booking payments between hosts and guests — are built exclusively on the BNB Chain network, which is faster and cheaper than the Ethereum network.
By default, your MetaMask wallet is connected to the Ethereum network. To view and manage the payments you receive from guests, the BNB Chain network must be selected within your Dtravel account.
Check the Connected Network
Before you can switch networks, you must have a wallet connected to your Dtravel account. If you haven’t done so already, visit our previous guide on how to connect your non-custodial wallet to Dtravel for step-by-step instructions.
Once your wallet is connected, you should see the following information on the bottom left of your account homepage:
  1. your connected wallet address (public key); and
  1. the network you’re connected to
If this shows “Ethereum Mainnet”, you’ll need to switch to the BNB Chain network using the instructions in this article. If you haven’t connected to BNB Chain within your Dtravel account before, you’ll also notice a step under “Getting started” on the right side of the page that displays this as an outstanding task.
How to Add or Switch Networks Using MetaMask Wallet
1. After you’ve connected your non-custodial wallet, you’ll see your wallet address connected after clicking on the “Account” button on the top right hand corner.
2. If you’re on the wrong network, you’ll see a prompt on your dashboard to switch to BNB Chain. Click this button.
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  1. It will open a new dialogue asking you to switch.
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3. If you’ve never connected to the BNB Smart Chain network, you will be prompted to add the network. Follow the instructions to search for “BNB Smart Chain” and add it.
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4. Once you’ve switched to the BNB Smart Chain, your dashboard will show the assets you have in your wallet that guests can use to pay for bookings.
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1. I had ETH to pay network fees, but now Dtravel asked to switch the network and I need BNB. What is BNB and where can I get it?
ETH is used to pay the network fee (or “gas fee”) on the Ethereum network each time you initiate a transaction. To transfer TRVL tokens, stablecoins (cryptocurrencies pegged to the price of a fiat currency, usually USD) or other cryptocurrencies, you need ETH to pay for network fees.
BNB functions in the same way and is required to transfer any cryptocurrencies on the BNB Chain network. You can purchase BNB with a credit card or trade it on Binance, Bithumb, KuCoin or FTX.
2. I had tokens in my account, but I switched to the BNB Chain network and my tokens disappeared! Where did they go?
Don’t worry, your tokens are safe! You’re only able to view tokens on one network at a time, so when you switch from the Ethereum network to the BNB Chain network, you only see the token balance on that particular network. To view your tokens on the Ethereum network, simply switch back via MetaMask by selecting it from the “Networks” drop-down list.
3. It sounds like my tokens are still on the Ethereum network. How do I move them to the BNB Chain network?
To swap your tokens from the Ethereum network to the BNB Chain network, the simplest way is to use a cross-chain router like Multichain by following these steps:
  1. Connect your MetaMask wallet to the application, making sure the Ethereum network is selected in MetaMask.
  1. Select the token on the Ethereum mainnet and enter the amount you’d like to convert.
  1. Choose “BNB CHAIN mainnet” from the dropdown and click “Swap”. You’ll then be prompted to confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Note: If this is your first time swapping this particular token, you will need to click the “Approve” button and approve the swap within MetaMask.