How to Connect Dtravel to Guesty

Learn how to import Guesty listings into Dtravel via MovingLake.

About Guesty

Guesty is a property management software (PMS) provider that aims to simplify daily operations for property managers so they have more time to grow their business. Paired with a modern booking engine like Dtravel, Guesty offers excellent support for operators that want to streamline their day-to-day tasks and scale their business.

About MovingLake

MovingLake is a cloud-based data management platform that offers destination connectors to securely move data into any of its supported destinations, including Dtravel. That means property managers can quickly get started on Dtravel with a few simple steps.
MovingLake is completely free for Dtravel customers.

Connecting to Dtravel via MovingLake

1. Go to your Guesty account and click on Integrations.
2. Click on Marketplace.
3. Find MovingLake and generate an integration token.
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4. Sign up for MovingLake and add a new connection.
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5. Select Guesty as the source.
6. Enter a name and description for the connection. It can be whatever you like.
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7. Paste the integration token you got from Guesty to complete the connection.
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8. Set up a new destination on MovingLake
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9. Select Dtravel as the destination partner
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10. Copy the Account ID and API key that you can get from your Dtravel account and paste into Client ID and Secret, respectively, on MovingLake. Click save and the connection will be complete.
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