How to Connect Dtravel to Uplisting

About Uplisting

Manage short-term rentals & bookings, message guests, take payment, and so much more. All in one easy-to-use platform (that never double-books).
Common reasons businesses switch to Uplisting are reliability, their flat-fee pricing model and to take advantage of a solution growing quickly and releasing valuable features every week.

New Customers to Uplisting

Uplisting is offering all Dtravel hosts 50% for 6 months for 4 or less properties. If you haven’t signed up for an account yet, use this link to get the discount.

Connecting via Dtravel

1. Login to your Uplisting account.
NOTE - make sure to import your listings to Uplisting from all platforms before connecting to Dtravel. Refer to their knowledge base to learn how to do this for various platforms.
2. Navigate to the “Connect” tab. You’ll see an option for “API Key” under the Sync data from Uplisting section.
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3. You’ll see an option to generate your API key the first time you’re on this page. Generate the API key then copy the key.
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4. Navigate to Dtravel's host site -
5. Sign in using your email or your Metamask wallet, depending on which option you used to sign up for your account. If you used email, skip to step 6.
NOTE: If you’re using Metamask to sign in and you’re not already on BNB Chain, it will prompt you to switch networks. Switch to BNB Chain by clicking the “Switch to BNB Chain” button. You will then see a pop up modal that asks if you allow this site to switch the network. Click on the “Switch network” button. Click on the “Account” button again and go to the “Settings” page.
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  1. Within your Dtravel Host Homepage, click on the “Account” button in the bottom-left corner. This will bring up a modal with a “Settings” button. Click on this option.
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9. On the Settings page, you’ll see a section for Integrations. Click on the “Connect” button next to Uplisting then enter your API key. It will show as “Connected” once you save it.
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  1. Once Uplisting is connected, your listing will automatically get imported and will show up under the “Listings” tab.
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  1. To view the listing info, click on the listing name.
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  1. To view your listing, click on the Preview listing page button. This is what guests will see when you send them your listing. To update any of the details, you'll need to do so in Uplisting.
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That’s it! Enjoy the simplicity of controlling your Dtravel listing alongside your listings on other platforms, all from the comfort of your Uplisting account.