Set up a Team Account

Operators can now create multiple users per Dtravel account:
  • Admin: the original user who has created the Dtravel account
    • One Dtravel account only has ONE admin
    • Only an admin can manage editor accounts
  • Editor(s): subsequent user(s) who are invited by the admin
    • There can be multiple editors in a Dtravel account
    • Editors can do everything an admin can except add/remove/edit others

How to create and manage team accounts on Dtravel

  • The instruction below is for the “Admin” role.
  1. Create — or log in to — a Dtravel account
    1. notion image
  1. On Settings page, choose Account users and click on Add a user button to create new user
    1. notion image
  1. Input user's information
notion image
  • Enter Name: name of user, input >= 1 character/number
  • Enter Email: email of user that is used to log in Dtravel
  • Enter Role: can select “Editor” role only for now
  • After filling all fields, click Invite user button that will trigger to send an invitation email to newly created user to join Dtravel profile
  • The new user/editor clicks Connect to Dtravel to be redirect to Dtravel, log in with email to start using Dtravel dashboard.
    • notion image
  • Log in with email
    • notion image
  • Choose the assigned portfolio or create a new one
    • notion image
  • Access Dtravel dashboard with “Editor” role
    • notion image
  1. Other supported functions for Admin
  • Manage an editor’s information
    • Click Edit button on user management table
    • notion image
    • Update fields and click Save changes to apply
      • notion image
  • Delete editors
    • Can delete single or multiple users
      • notion image