Set up Minimum Night Stay Requirements

Property managers can set up minimum night stay requirements for each of their listings so they have more control over guest check ins and stay optimizations.
How to Set Up Minimum Night Stay Requirements
1. Sign up or log in to the Dtravel account.
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2. Navigate to the Listings module in the header. Hover over the listing with the source as ‘Dtravel’ that you’d like to update or set the minimum stay requirements. You’ll see an “Edit” button appear. Click Edit to set up a minimum night stay requirement.
NOTE: You’ll only be able to edit listings with a “Dtravel” source because any listings with a PMS sources should be edited within the PMS.
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3. Once you’re on the Edit listing page, click on the Availability section. You’ll see an option to “Add a date range”.
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4. There are two settings related to minimum night stays that property managers can customize.
  • Minimum nights per stay: the global setup which defines the minimum number of nights guests have to stay for the whole calendar, except for specific date range(s) (if any);
  • Minimum stay per date range: the specific date range with specific minimum night stay rules (for example setting a longer minimum night stay than your usual during summer holidays and Christmas and New Year)
5. To add a minimum night per stay that applies to all your reservations, use the plus or minus button to add or subtract minimum night requirements. Make sure to press the Save button on the top right hand corner of the screen if this is the only change you’re making on this page.
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6. To add a minimum stay per date range, click on the Add a date range button. It will open a calendar view.
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7. Scroll to the dates you’d like to set a minimum stay range for and choose the date range as well as the minimum number of nights you’d like to set as the minimum.
NOTE: The minimum stay per date range overrides the global setup. If there are 2 or more minimum night stay rules overlapping during the trip length selected, it will default to the highest one.
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8. After the minimum night stay rules have been set, whether you’ve set one or both minimum night stay rule options, these rules will appear and apply to your calendar when guests are searching for dates.
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