Dtravel Smart Wallet FAQs

  1. What is a Smart Wallet?
    1. Dtravel has partnered with Third Web, a web3 development platform, to make it easier than ever to accept crypto payments. To learn more about the technical side of Smart Wallets, visit here: https://portal.thirdweb.com/glossary/smart-walletSimply put, Smart Wallets are more approachable than traditional non-custodial wallets because there aren’t any private keys or seed phrases to store, but it’s just as secure.
  1. Does it cost anything to create a Smart Wallet on Dtravel?
    1. No, they are completely free to create. Dtravel charges 3% of successful bookings whether or not you have created a Smart Wallet.
  1. How do I create a Smart Wallet?
    1. As of January 2024, anyone that hasn’t yet connected a MetaMask wallet will be able to create a Smart Wallet directly from their Dtravel account.
      If you’re somewhat new to crypto and don’t yet have a wallet, we recommend creating a Smart Wallet simply with your email.
      If you’re not new to crypto wallets, we recommend using one of your existing wallets.
      Read our article on setting up a smart wallet.
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  1. Which blockchain network do Smart Wallets use?
    1. Dtravel Smart Wallets are deployed on the Polygon network, which is known for its speedy transactions and low fees.