
The Complete Direct Stay Marketing Guide

The Direct Stay Marketing Guide and Checklist functions as a guide to help hosts shift away from the dependence of third-party online travel agencies (OTAs) and empower them to achieve greater control and ownership of their businesses. By following the steps in this guide, hosts will continue to receive bookings from third-party OTAs while at the same time leveraging the traffic and demand built into web2 OTAs as a way to convert guests interested in taking advantage of all the benefits that come with direct bookings.
In order to grow your direct booking business, not only will you be branding your portfolio of properties, you’ll also be learning how to increase the visibility of your new brand and convert more guests into direct stays. Aside from a property management system (PMS), the tips outlined below will either be low cost or free to implement. We’ll be with you every step throughout your journey and are here to answer any questions you may have.
Use this handy checklist to go through step-by-step the process of optimizing your direct booking business.
Create a free direct booking website or listing with Dtravel
Select a brand name
Create a brand logo
Purchase brand domain name
Create brand email
Optimize Dtravel listing photos
Set up Google Business Profile
Optimize OTA listings
Edit PMS email templates
Adjust Booking Channel Pricing in PMS
Create a LinkedIn Business Page
Create a Facebook Business Page
Create an Instagram Business Account
Create a Pinterest Business account
Start growing your email list
Setup email automations
Use email to drive returning guests

Direct Marketing Guide Topics

Dtravel Listing Photos
Google Business Profile
Optimize Third-Party Booking Platforms for Direct Stays
Leverage Your PMS to Convert an OTA Booking Into a Direct Stay
Use Social Profiles to Take Over Google Search Results
Convert Returning Guests into Direct Stays
Final Checklist