
Use Social Profiles to Take Over Google Search Results

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6.0 Use Social Profiles to Take Over Google Search Results
Social media is a powerful tool to grow any business. For business owners in the short-term rental and vacation rental industry, social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter can be used to not only promote your properties, their surrounding areas, and activities, but they can also be used to share valuable contact and booking information.
With a unique brand name and completed social profiles, you will be able to take over Google search results. Again, this helps build trust and signals to guests that you are a professional host and run a legitimate business. In addition, social profiles act as touchpoints for your business. Each social profile will allow you to include contact information, such as your Dtravel Direct Stay website, email and phone number. If your properties are not discovered through an OTA, there is a higher likelihood they will be discovered either through a Google search or social media account.
6.1 LinkedIn
As a host or property manager, you should be using LinkedIn to build your professional network and market your direct booking business. There are specific content strategies for LinkedIn, but for now it would be helpful to at least have both a personal profile and a business page. Once you’ve created your business page, add the role (Owner / Founder) of your business to your personal profile. This is helpful in the event that a guest researches your name. In the future, we will focus on a more in-depth content strategy for LinkedIn. For the time being, it’s helpful to have a business page as another touchpoint for guests to find your Dtravel Direct Stay website.
LinkedIn Business Page Considerations:
  • Use brand name
  • Add your Dtravel Merchant Page URLas your website
  • Add your company logo / brand name to your profile picture
  • Add high-quality “mood” / “environment” photo of one of your properties to banner photo
  • Create a lead gen form for guests
  • Create a “Contact Us” button
  • Add an FAQ
  • Share photos of your listings
  • Add locations for each of your properties
  • Create a short blog post for each listing complete with pictures and property details
  • Add hashtags to your profile
  • Write a blog post about why you became a host or what you enjoy about hosting
6.2 Facebook
Similarly to LinkedIn, you’ll want to have both a personal Facebook profile and a Business Page. With a Facebook Business Page, you’ll be able to add your Dtravel Direct Stay website, phone number, contact information, property photos and more. This is another opportunity to get your brand name in front of guests and direct traffic to your Dtravel Direct Stay website.
Facebook Business Page Considerations:
  • Use brand name
  • Update custom URLto business name
  • Add business logo to profile picture
  • Add high-quality “mood” / “environment” photo of one of your properties to cover photo
  • Add your Dtravel Merchant page as your website
  • Add business information
  • Add contact number
  • Add contact email
  • Add your Facebook Business Page to your personal Facebook profile
6.3 Instagram
Consider creating an Instagram Business Account. With a Business Account, you can include your website, email and preferred contact details.
Instagram Business Account Considerations:
  • Use brand name
  • Add your Dtravel Merchant page as your website
  • Add business logo to profile picture
  • Add contact information and preferred contact details (phone or email)
  • Post curated photos of surrounding area, the mood, feeling you'd like your properties to convey
  • When posting photos of properties, be selective — try to communicate a feeling rather than showing the entire “room”
6.4 Pinterest
Pinterest is a low-lift platform to improve SEO and help you drive more direct bookings. Once you’ve started a branded account, create a board for each of your listings and start adding pins. For each photo you pin to a board, add a geo-tag, title, description and alt tag. It’s important that you consider the keywords you’re using when deciding on the title, description and alt tags, as each photo could appear in Google search results depending on a user’s search query.
For example, you may consider titling an image, “Sauna with a Mountainview in Utah, Montana - Berry Mountainview Stays” and for the description, “Enjoy a relaxing sauna with a mountain view after a day of hiking around the many trails in Utah, Montana. Spend your next vacation with us in one of our 2 Bedroom Cabins for rent at Berry Mountainview Stays. Visit berrymountainviewstays.com for more information.”
Pinterest Considerations:
  • Use your brand name as the Pinterest account name
  • Add your Dtravel Merchant page as your website
  • Add contact information and a description
  • Use your logo as the profile picture
  • Create a board for each of your listings
  • Create a board for activities to do in the area
  • Pin photos related to the boards you create
  • Consider photos of your listings, environment photos, activity photos
  • Geo-tag each photo
  • Add a keyword rich title for each photo
  • Add a keyword rich description to each photo
  • Add a meta tag to each photo